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Executive Development Programs
Reappraisal for chief executives. Finding new reference points
dates of programs start
4 modules each of 3 days
54 000 uah
Reappraisal for chief executives. Finding new reference points
How to fully realize your own potential and the potential of the company. How to rethink your approach to management and how to find your own individual management style.
The audience of the program - CEOs, top managers and executives who:
Understand that the increasing unpredictability of the future requires them to rethink their roles, approaches and methods in management
Ready to see new opportunities that open up for you, your team, and your entire organization
They are aware of their own beliefs, which weaken them or their companies: "there are no people on the market", "no one will do better", "workers burn out if there is no scaling"
Seek to understand how to unite different team members and divisions of the company into one, and to adjust their movement in a single direction defined by the strategy of the organization
What does the program give:
Internal coordinate system for making complex management decisions
Understanding the phenomenon of culture, power, role of leader and management systems
Opportunity for rethinking our values: what strengthens us, what moves us forward, and what inhibits us, both in business and in our personal lives
Ability to design a map for team development. Approaches to Creating Self-Organization in a Team.
Understanding the basics of systems thinking and principles of systems modeling
The structure of the program
Module 1
June 19-21

Leader-manager. Role

  • Awareness and will of the leader.
  • Leadership style and organizational lifecycle.
  • System leadership.
  • Responsibility of the leader for the health of the organization.
  • Portrait of modern manager. Defining manager roles in the system.
  • As a leader influences the results and behavior of the company. Work with the future.


  • Personal values. To what extent do our values ​​help to achieve our goals?
  • Stress, motivation, happiness - how to deal with this?
  • Choice of own emotional reactions in negotiations, communicative flexibility.
  • Rationality and intuition in the work of the leader.
  • The balance of the "Human" system. 4 results technology.

Module 2
July 10-12


  • When is the team needed? Roles in the team. Typologies of people and motives.
  • Team formation. Selection and adaptation. Development of people by maturity levels.
  • What traps a leader should avoid when working with a team. The effect of conformism.
  • Communication and feedback settings. Satisfaction and engagement are differences in concepts.
  • 7 motivation problems. How to work with burnout
  • Achieving synergy and self-organization in the team;
  • Motivation - I work without a leader
  • Retrospective as a tool for developing team maturity. Facilitation.

Module 3
July 31-August 2

System. Systematic approach to management

  • What makes an organization whole?
  • System thinking. Systems modeling
  • Role model of management

The cultural code of my company.

  • Organizational culture as a system of managerial decision-making.
  • The mechanism of working with the company culture.
  • Types of manifestation of organizational culture.
  • Values ​​as a basic fundamental element of company culture.
  • The "bulb" of values ​​- what can a leader influence?
  • Formal and informal methods of communication of values.
  • Code of Ethics - A Myth or Value Management Tool?

 Change management and system development.

  • Barriers to change. Resistance of the staff at changes.
  • How to implement change without resistance? Creating prerequisites for change.
  • The correct sequence of movement in the changes. Trust as a critical basic condition for managing change in the organization.
  • Readiness of people and systems for change. How to estimate system strength margin?
  • The principles of change communication.

Модуль 4
10-12 грудня

Yaroslava Loyanich more details
Adjunct professor
Artem Serdyuk more details
Adjunct professor
Petro Chornomorets more details
Visiting professor
Maryna Starodubska more details
Adjunct professor
Oleksandr Miheev more details
Visiting professor
What does it take to join?
Application form
Fill in the application form on the site
Communicate with the application manager
54 000 uah
Apply for the program
For more information about the program, please contact
Olena Diadikova
EDP program manager
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