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Executive Development Programs
Economic thinking. New paradigms
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3 Days
18000 uah
Economic thinking. New paradigms
What managers need to know to make rational decisions; understand how we think; and effectively manage your life and your company in today's turbulent era.
Business owners and managers who aim to:
Understand how the brain manipulates decision-making cognitive process with emotions;
Learn about successful life strategies based on modern economic theories;
Define or rethink their own life strategy;
Understand where and why you should and should not invest money, time, and effort;
Learn to manage their own life to achieve maximum efficiency both in personal development and business.
What the Program provides:
Understanding of the patterns that help you make better decisions pertaining to your life and business
Modern technologies and tools for predicting the behavior of market players: partners, customers, employees, and the society
Understanding the factors that affect the success of our business and the efficiency of different types of capital: human, financial, reputational, social, etc.
Ability to define the strategy of one's own life or company and the skill to set goals accordingly
The structure of the program
Day 1
Neuromanagement: Psychological traps in thinking
April 8

  • Decision making under uncertainty
  • Diversity and development of business decision-making
  • Emotionality and rationality, interaction between logic and intuition
  • Manipulative memory
  • Overconfidence and overreaction to events
  • Psychological traps of money
  • Psychology of inequality. (People often complain about inequality and say that because of inequality, they have no chance of success in life, but it is important to understand that inequality has always been and will be, and with the right strategy you can succeed from scratch)

Day 2
Strategic thinking: competitive models and conflict resolution
April 9

  • Strategic interaction and game thinking
  • The Bellman Principle as a way to solve end problems and use it in business decision-making
  • Market Competition and Market Equilibrium Models
  • Strategic games, lobbying, models of non-price competition, bluffing in business
  • Product and service knitting models as a tool for transferring power from one market segment to another and price differentiation models
  • Business is like a game. Nash Equilibrium and the Concept of Conflict Management (Nash Equilibrium - Predicting the Future Based on Strategic Analysis of Economic Agent Interaction, Calculating Multiple Player Combinations, and Identifying Stable Strategies Under which None of the Players Want to Get Away With Their Alternatives)

Day 3
Optimal life strategies: robustness, flexibility and anti-fragility
April 10

  • The current global financial system, the range of financial institutions and their role in achieving the effectiveness of human life
  • Basic technologies of risk management in own life and risks of the company: diversification, differentiation, immunization, insurance and hedging
  • Assessment of personal and managerial flexibility, using the Black-Scholes-Merton formula, understanding of human life as a set of realized and unrealized opportunities
  • Optimal Life Strategies by Nasima Taleb's Anti-Fragility Theory - Rejection of Short-Term Optimality, Orientation to Sustainability, Life Experience and Long-Term Perspective.

Yevhen Pentsak more details
What do you need to attend?
Application form
Fill out the online application form
Speak with the Program Manager
18000 uah
Apply for the program
For more information about the program, please contact
Oleksandr Demchuk
EDP program manager
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