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Open kmbs live
Executive Development Programs
To the owner about finances
dates of programs start
3 days
10:00 - 18:00
15000 uah
To the owner about finances
Building a financial system that informs the manager in real time about the state of the business
Audience Programs are owners and directors of companies that:
They think about how to build a financial system so that it informs in real time about the state of business.
They plan to set up the financial system in a timely and reliable manner to signal failures or losses of efficiency.
They want to make the financial system as friendly as possible to the owner, giving him simple and easy to use interfaces.
The structure of the program
Day 1
Strategic finance, financial system, financial reporting

  • Digitizing company goals.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the company's strategic goals and their digitalization.
  • Managing your company for digital purposes.
  • Formulation of financial reporting system.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) is a new definition in modern management.

Day 2
Financial diagnostics, basics of management accounting

  • Establishing a system of financial diagnostics and monitoring of the company's activity.
  • Evaluation of company performance on a monetary basis.
  • Economic Value Added (EVA) as a resultant indicator of a business's economic performance.
  • What the financial indicators tell the owner of the company.
  • Establishment of an enterprise accounting system.

Oleksandr Savruk more details
To enter, you must:
Application form
Fill in the application form on the site
Complete the selection by completing the participant's application form
15000 uah
Apply for the program
For more information about the program, please contact
Illia lapko
EDP program manager
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