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Strategic Programs
Master of Public Administration

Master of Public Administration

in the security and defense sector
Program for security and defence sector managers:
Military and civilian representatives of the security and defense sector
Representatives of non-governmental organizations
Representatives of private business
The four key benefits of the Strategic Leadership Program in the security and defense sector of Ukraine are:
Professional Development - Particular emphasis is placed on those leaders who are able to manage institutions and institutionalize change.
Institutional Leadership - Strategic Leadership introduces participants to the concept of a holistic state approach, as no department can be effective on its own, as success at the national level requires the involvement of many players from across the government.
Quality of Participants - Program participants are experienced security and defense professionals who are highly motivated to share their knowledge with colleagues, improve understanding of the strategic environment, and develop leadership skills.
Professional Activity - Upon completion of the Program, it will allow security and defense executives to gain a thorough understanding of Ukraine's national security policy and strategy.
The structure of the program
Institutional leadership
The aim is to further develop the ability of participants to evaluate and apply the principles of strategic command, institutional leadership and governance of security and defense institutions and to rethink institutional culture.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Participants will review the basic concepts, theories and techniques of government leadership; analyze their effective implementation at the strategic and institutional levels.
  • Application of theories and concepts of systems thinking.
  • To study leadership in the context of the political, social and international environment.
  • Participants will explore key theories and concepts of strategic command as constraints and dynamics that influence strategic military decision-making through integrated approaches.

Strategic thinking.
The purpose is a comprehensive introduction to modern strategic and systemic concepts, to understand the power of ideas, paradigm shifts. This block is a prerequisite for strategy development.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Participants will understand the power of open systems and their impact on institutions.
  • To know the nature of strategic ideas, systems approach and their application to the transformation of open systems.
  • Understand and apply the vision, mission, and values for transforming the defense and security sector.
  • Participants will help to understand paradigmatic changes to solve different tasks to provide creative solutions.

A comprehensive approach to complex systems.
The purpose is to further study the institutions and entities involved in shaping Ukraine's national security. This block represents the concept of an ecosystem approach as a set of all stakeholders involved in the national security of Ukraine.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of a holistic state approach by exploring the role of non-state actors, including international governmental and non-governmental institutions.
  • Analysis of the methodology by which the national security system of Ukraine is developed, implemented and communicated; and developing an ecosystem approach to promote Ukraine's national security interests.
  • To demonstrate the relevance of the methodology of Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States in their holistic approach to the Ukrainian experience.
  • Participants will evaluate complex systems, environments, and ways of generating multidimensional variability in decision making.

Security and defense context.
The purpose is to broaden the understanding of participants in the elements of the security and defense sector: both internal and external factors that influence the implementation of the national security strategy of Ukraine and the country's authorities

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Participants will distinguish between components of the security and defense sector, national interests and authorities; explore the international environment; will analyze regional security issues and their impact on Ukraine.
  • They will study the role and functions of both international and Ukrainian political, economic, trade and military institutions, which are particularly important for Ukraine.
  • Participants will analyze the impact of strategic constraints on the promotion and protection of national interests.
  • They will analyze the main elements of the defense strategic documents of modern Ukraine.
  • Learn about the specifics of all components of the security and defense system - their activities, functions and operations.

Effective implementation.
The aim is to improve participants' understanding and development of their capacity to form and support national capacity to meet Ukraine's security needs.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Participants will review strategic management theories and approaches; evaluate the approaches used in government; and will analyze complex planning, decision-making and organizational components at the strategic level to build and support institutional capacity.
  • Will explore strategic modeling processes and change administrative processes.
  • They study human capital management.
  • They will be introduced to the concepts of financial management and budget in the context of public policy at the strategic level.
  • Study concepts and theories of procurement, approaches to project management.

Gelena Savruk more details
Oleksandr Savruk more details
Eduard Maltsev more details
Olena Zhyltsova more details
Olha Balashova more details
Adjunct professor
Oleksandr Lytvynenko more details
Adjunct professor
Oksana Osadcha more details
Adjunct professor
Maryna Starodubska more details
Adjunct professor
Oleksandr Sukhodolia more details
Adjunct professor
How to become a member of the program:
Application form
Fill in and submit an application for
Interview with program manager
dates of programs start
14 months
11 intensive academic modules, each lasting 3-4 days
For more information about the program, please contact
Valentyna Piontkovska
Deputy Head of Strategic Office
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