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How should a leader think so that the organization could develop?
How should a leader think so that the organization could develop?
Synopsis of Yaroslava Loyanych's webinar, kmbs teacher and author of the program “Reset for chief executives: leader, team, system”.

“The leader first shapes the system and later becomes its limiting factor". To avoid this, the leader should constantly work with his/her own bubble of beliefs”, – the point the participants and kmbs teacher Yaroslava Loyanych discussed at the webinar “How should a leader think so that the organization could develop?”.


Using CMM (Capability Maturity Model), Yaroslava showed how a leader's thinking shaped the reality a company exists in:

·       1st level of maturity

The leader's belief: “Processes are bad as they evidence bureaucracy” and “I am not able to influence the external environment”.


There are no described and classified business processes in the organization, and employees act following their own ideas about work objectives. All knowledge disappears when an employee is fired, and sometimes the customer base may also disappear with him/her.

·       2nd level of maturity

The leader's belief: “Control will shelter from problems” and “Identified problems must be resolved”.


The executive already initiates the creation of internal standards, and the company functions are being described. New projects are based on the fulfilled ones and agreed task plans are being designed. If there are problems with implementation, these are identified and resolved at once. The key feature of companies at the second level is a commitment to results.

·       3rd level of maturity

The leader's belief: “The team can control itself”.


The company is clearly aware of both its customer and its product, there is a business strategy, as the leader is aware that it is important not only to survive but also to win. Business processes, described and accepted by the team, allow quick scaling, at the same time the system remains manageable and quite transparent. The leader ceases to control everything and is focused not on “extinguishing fires”, but on finding prerequisites of problems.

·       4th level of maturity

The leader's belief: “I create a new solution that helps move the market/industry forward”.


At this level, the company has a quantitative system of performance evaluation introduced. All hypotheses and solutions are tested by data. The leader usually gets beyond the system and plays the role of a visionary. He/she is interested in system development – through partnerships, lobbying, etc.

·       5th level of maturity

The leader's belief: “Everyone can contribute to the company development at their respective level”.


The company's culture is characterized by innovation, even among workers – everyone diagnoses problems and offers ideas for their solution. Employees create self-managed teams and may really improve business processes. At the same time, the leader sees the importance of team development, so he/she creates relevant mechanisms within the company.


During the course “Reset for chief executives: leader, team, system”, the participants study levels of maturity of their companies, work with their own beliefs, and systemic mechanisms of the organization development at all levels: personal, team, organizational ones.


Start of training – January 29.


Details and registration

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