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The reality of Ukrainian tourism
The reality of Ukrainian tourism
Customer orientation should be the main goal of the reform of the industry: tourist places should speak to the visitor in one language and give new impressions, which he seeks.

On June 30, as part of Top Talks, Arina Satovska, an EMBA kmbs graduate and head of the NGO NGO, spoke with Mariana Oleskiv, head of the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine, about the realities and prospects of the Ukrainian tourism industry.

"The tourist must be the highest value and the main customer in our museums, and in places of historical monuments, and in reserves. Currently, the main client of our museums is the so-called "dead artist", zealously guarding which, the museum staff literally scares the younger generation, "- said Mariana.

Customer orientation should be the main goal of the reform of the industry: tourist places should speak to the visitor in one language and give new impressions, which he seeks.

To understand the needs of people who have decided to travel to Ukraine, you need to have at least some information about them. Lack of data on places, the number of their visitors, and the person who visited the location - the main feature of the Ukrainian tourism business. The manager in this area must have access to statistics in order to use them for the qualitative transformation of their own business. The development of new tourist destinations is possible only by understanding the main needs of the guest: new emotions, acquaintance with culture, and gastronomic discoveries.

Ukrainian tourism has prospects for such development not only in the Kyiv-Lviv-Odesa connection but also in all regions. If you make the service in regional tourist places human-centered, and services and goods more authentic - this is what will help the visitor to better feel the area and enjoy the trip.

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