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Master in Business Analytics and Finance

Master in Business Analytics and Finance

For financial and investment directors
dates of programs start
16/ 11/ 2023
20 months
390 000 uah
With VAT. No logistics costs for outgoing modules. Payment can be made in installments.
The modern financial program for:
Financial and investment directors
Business analysts who seek to master new global asset management practices
Managers in other areas who plan to develop their finance career
Top managers who want to deepen their knowledge of the functioning of the global economy
Young specialists who are eager to develop in the practical application of micro- and macroeconomics and financial management models
Taking the MBA program, you develop and improve the following skills and capabilities:
Understanding the functioning of the global financial system
Improving of analytical financial models that are in line with strategic business development
Integrating the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators, the cost of raw materials, exchange rates, etc into the analytical business models
Developing the complex models of integrated risk management for companies and corporations
Building of corporate mergers and acquisitions models, integrated assessment of investment projects and development of mechanisms for their financing
Understanding and using modern derivative financial instruments, especially the use of cryptocurrency, tokens, smart contracts, bots, algorithmic trading and financial engineering innovations
Oleksandr Savruk more details
Yevhen Pentsak more details
Eduard Maltsev more details
Olena Maltseva more details
Oleksii Gerashchenko more details
Adjunct professor
Ronald Huisman more details
Adjunct professor
показати всіх
The structure of the program
Corporate analytics
The management of the company requires quick tools for responding to changes in the business environment, the migration of the value of consumers, the actions of competitors, on global and local trends and macroeconomic dynamics
more details
Economic block
more details
Graduate work
more details
How to become a participant of the program:
Submit the application
Fill in and submit an application form
Pass the test
Successfully pass the analytical skills test
An interview
Pass the interview with the program leader
For more information about the program, please contact
Olena Yehorova
MBA Programs manager
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