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Georgy Gongadze Prize starts video lectorium "Journalism of Independent Ukraine: First-Person History"
Georgy Gongadze Prize starts video lectorium "Journalism of Independent Ukraine: First-Person History"
The Georgy Gongadze Prize is an award for journalists established by the Ukrainian PEN in partnership with kmbs, a powered kmbs alumni platform and the Ukrainian Pravda publication to support independent journalists.

Within the framework of this project, leading Ukrainian journalists will share stories about the creation of key media, which they participated in, as well as about the formation of trends and phenomena that determined the information agenda in the country and witnessed by the narrators.

The topic of the first lecture: "The Age of Censorship Instructions in Ukrainian Journalism". The story of the origin of this phenomenon will be told by the founder of the ecosystem of projects "Historical Truth", winner of the Gongadze Prize 2019 Vakhtang Kipiani.

The premiere will take place on March 30 at 18:00 on the Facebook pages of the Georgy Gongadze Prize, Ukrainian PEN, Ukrainian Pravda, Kyiv-Mohyla Business School (kmbs) and Lviv Media Forum.

The next lectures will be published every Tuesday at 18:00. Among the first speakers of the project: Olga Gerasimyuk, Diana Dutsyk, Zurab Alasania, Vitaliy Portnikov, Natalia Ligachova, Sevgil Musayeva, Andriy Kulikov and Pavlo Kazarin.

The first part of the video lecture was created with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

Organizational partner: Lviv Media Forum.

The Georgy Gongadze Prize is an award for journalists established by Ukrainian PEN in partnership with kmbs, powered by kmbs alumni platform and Ukrainian Pravda to support independent journalists.

The prize is awarded once a year on May 21, Georgy Gongadze's birthday. The winner of 2019 was Vakhtang Kipiani - the founder of the publication "Historical Truth" and the author of the TV program of the same name, the founder of the Museum-Archive of the Press, the author of books. The winner of 2020 is publicist, TV and radio presenter Pavlo Kazarin.

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