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On June 16, the Ukrainian competition of engineering startups Vernadsky Challenge took place
On June 16, the Ukrainian competition of engineering startups Vernadsky Challenge took place
On June 16, inventors in the field of space technology and active bioelectronics took part in the Ukrainian competition of engineering startups Vernadsky Challenge.

On June 16, inventors in the field of space technology and active bioelectronics took part in the Ukrainian competition of engineering startups Vernadsky Challenge.

The winners of the competition, who divided the prize fund of UAH 2 million, were 3 projects: a smart patch Medicine (1st place), a device for non-contact measurement of intraocular pressure Provizio (2nd place), and an innovative design of lithium-ion batteries from the Borospace team (3rd place).

Participants presented their decisions to an expert jury. The organizers added the head of Presidents' MBA Eduard Maltsev to the assessment. He assessed business models and the potential of projects in the areas of "Space Technology" and "Active Bioelectronics".

For the fifth time in a row, the Vernadsky Challenge is creating a proactive environment for innovation, in which talented young researchers and large international teams can prove themselves.

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