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kmbs Alumni can apply their managerial expertise for developing cultural institutions in Ukraine
kmbs Alumni can apply their managerial expertise for developing cultural institutions in Ukraine
kmbs Alumni met with the Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachenko to discuss the creation of supervisory boards for cultural institutions. As strategic and controlling bodies, they will define the strategic direction, key

kmbs Alumni can apply their managerial expertise for developing cultural institutions in Ukraine. On the 10th of December, they discussed this possibility with Oleksandr Tkachenko, the Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. 


Nowadays, there are 62 state-owned cultural institutions with national status: museums, nature reserves, theaters, art groups, libraries, etc. Some of them are more successful than others, and it is mostly the different abilities and experiences of managers in charge that define these institutions' future perspectives. 


During the meeting, Oleksandr Tkachenko presented a possible solution — creating the supervisory boards that will design strategy, define KPIs, and become so-called watchdogs for Ukrainian cultural institutions. 

kmbs Alumni were welcomed to apply their experience both during the concept refinement and implementation of the project. 


Supervisory boards as strategic and controlling bodies are a well-known practice in different countries, so kmbs community had a lively discussion about this topic with the minister. For instance, what key responsibilities and tasks would the boards have, the process of selecting members, and what changes of Ukrainian legislation are necessary to realize the initiative. 


Moderating the discussion, Oleksandr Savruk pointed out that in addition to defining the meaningful component, supervisory boards should increase cultural institutions' subjectivity, allowing them to "be themselves" with strategy and their own community.  

kmbs Alumni once again showed a profound interest in influencing the Ukrainian cultural landscape. Meeting with Oleksandr Tkachenko established the primary direction in developing the Supervisory Boards concept and indicated further cooperation between kmbs and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. 



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