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Top 5 mistakes the executive may make in internal communications during a crisis
Top 5 mistakes the executive may make in internal communications during a crisis
Tips from kmbs lecturer Maryna Starodubska.

“There are no internal communications, there are deferred external ones,” kmbs lecturer Maryna Starodubska told during the webinar held on April 15.

We discussed how late informing of employees about the company problems affect their involvement in the activities. Lack of communication on part of the executive is at the same time a bad signal to the employee about his/her prospects in the company and the reason for spreading false rumors about the situation.

So, here are top 5 mistakes owners and top executives make in internal communications:

 Treat people like “dummy weight”, forgetting that today's “dummy weight” is tomorrow's hater on the job market or a true gift of fate for a competitor.

What should be done in this situation: identify those you will say goodbye to and ways to help these employees in the current situation; don't hide the truth from a person – talk to the employee openly and thank him/her for the work, remember his/her achievements.

 Transfer their communication responsibility to PR and HR managers.

What should be done: develop a company position on crisis and crisis management; work through possible “sensitive” questions from employees and reach out to people.

 Never explain what is happening with the business. Line employees often do not understand the problem intensity because it was not communicated to them.

What should be done: analyze the company status and get the idea of the action plan; convey the company position on the crisis through all channels: information (portal, corporate media), dialogue (meetings, meetings), feedback; organize info sessions so that employees could get information and answers.

 “Forget” to fulfill their obligations. Remember that a quality contractor or supplier in Ukraine will always find a customer, and it is more difficult for someone quite the opposite.

What should be done: create an algorithm to fulfill obligations, with amounts, terms and contractors stated; openly communicate payment delays and discuss compromise measures with contractors; prepare situation scripts/FAQs for all employees who communicate with external stakeholders.

 “Forget” about the company values under the guise of crisis.

What should be done: establish “anti-crisis headquarters” including executives and share key areas of activities during the crisis; clearly outline the rules of the game for managers: what is possible and what is not, and what behavior will be the reason for dismissal; the main rule — do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


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