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Strategic architects presented strategies that will influence the development of Ukraine
Strategic architects presented strategies that will influence the development of Ukraine
Graduation projects were presented by big business owners, managers of financial and government institutions, leaders in the field of religion and culture, key personnel in the security and defence sector.

The ability to look at familiar things from a different angle is a result of intellectual interaction of managers in seemingly unrelated areas. 

The fifth admission of Strategic Architect School has recently presented strategies that will affect qualitative transformations in our country. Graduation projects were presented by big business owners, managers of financial and government institutions, leaders in the field of religion and culture, key personnel in the security and defence sector.

Kyiv-Mohyla Business School continues unifying key players from different sectors. Studying MBA programs helps leaders to transform their businesses boldly and during strategic programs of the School are made decisions that directly affect the development of Ukraine.

Once again, kmbs proves that unique environment is the most fulfilling and contributing to implementation of large-scale ideas. 

We are pleased to congratulate the graduates of the fifth admission of the Strategic Architect School on joining a powerful community of those who take responsibility for our common future.

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