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A Century of Ukrainian Abstraction in kmbs
A Century of Ukrainian Abstraction in kmbs
In kmbs has been opened a project that explores Ukrainian abstract art.

In kmbs has been opened a project Century of Ukrainian Abstraction that will explore the holistic tradition of Ukrainian abstract art. 

In his welcoming speech, Oleksandr Savruk said, "Abstract art and kmbs is a natural combination. We call ourselves a "soft" rather than an instrumental school and raise questions about the nature of humans. What are we able to do in this world? The answer is obviously not in tools, budgets, or even numbers. That is why we are delighted to be close to the implementation of this great project."

Abstract art in Ukrainian culture has a holistic tradition dating back to the early twentieth century. The project introduces Ukrainian abstract artists, illustrates a dialogue between artists divided in time and united by a single "school". It also reveals the influence of media on this dialogue, presents private collections and exceptional museum archives. 

A kind of informational preview of the Century of Ukrainian Abstraction was the Dialogue in Time exposition, located in kmbs. It illustrates a conversation between artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the categories:

Colour — Meller/Lebedynets

Construction — Khvostenko-Khvostov/Zhuravel

Light — Bohomazov/Bevz

Pause — Ekster/Bilyk

Rhythm — Popova/Bazhai

The works of Ukrainian abstractionists are exhibited in the Illinska Panoramic and Ideas Gallery audiences from January 28th till March 3rd.

"It is very symbolic that this preview takes place in the territory of Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, in which we do not teach the templates, but form the general outlook, attitude to society, and teach how to do business. After all, abstract thinking is the foundation in a post-industrial society for a person who wants to succeed,” said Konstiantyn Kozhemiaka, President of the ArtHuss Foundation.

Leading art critics, museum figures, artists and publishers combined their efforts to restore the tradition of Ukrainian abstraction.

Organizers of the project include: art critic Diana Klochko (madiacurator), artist Petro Bevza (exposition curator), art critic Dmytro Horbachov (chief consultant of the project),

President of the ArtHuss Foundation Konstiantyn Kozhemiaka.

During 2020/21, the Centuries of Ukrainian Abstraction exhibition will be presented in several art locations of Ukraine. Within the project are also planned lectures, discussions, public talks and publishing of a book.

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