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School of Educational Managers: The Path from Principal to Educational Team Leader
School of Educational Managers: The Path from Principal to Educational Team Leader
Training in the School of Educational Managers program for school principals, heads of state educational institutions and founders of startups has been completed with new meanings, approaches and practices.

For 4 months, participants worked on forming a panoramic vision of the education system, got acquainted with the portrait of a modern manager, and got to know how a leader can influence the results and behavior of the system. And even when at the beginning of the program it seemed to the listeners that the heavily bureaucratic system could not be moved, already in five modules, the thoughts changed to a different vision. There is an understanding of partnership in the educational process now and the roles of each participant in it, the latest technologies are mastered, skills of forming educational teams are developed. The teams, not collectives.

Each participant came to the School of Educational Managers with their own challenge or task: lack of management skills, the excessive workload of teachers, burnout, lack of a culture of the institution, or lack of understanding of what my school is about and who it is for.

The training was finished with the program of presenting own projects of the idea of ​​developing one’s own educational system: with the formed mission and vision, defined tasks, outlined problems and plans to solve them. Thinking in terms of “collective,” “instruction” has now been changed to “team” and “idea” – it is a significant step forward for both the school leaders and the educational system in which they are.

And probably the greatest value of any training is its results. Each participant has their own: someone understood the approaches to working with the team, depending on the role of people; someone has developed a step-by-step strategy for school development with the involvement of patrons and the formation of long-term relationships with IT companies; after each module at the School of Educational Managers, some worked with the team on the acquired knowledge and now have teamwork fixed.

Another value of the program is the formation of the community of the educational leaders and the creation of conditions for open dialogue within the educational system between its various representatives.

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