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On June 11, Strategy Architects of our country successfully graduated from kmbs
On June 11, Strategy Architects of our country successfully graduated from kmbs
The School for Strategy Architects is a kmbs program for transformational leaders in business, the public sector, defense system, culture, media, and the public sector.

Implement the strategy of changes, apply a new logic of thinking, and achieve ambitious and important goals for society — this is the mission of the School of Strategic Architect, kmbs program for transformational leaders in business, government, defense sector, culture, media, and public sector.

On June 11, they successfully completed a strategic program and joined a powerful community of like-minded people who drive important transformations for the entire country.

During the graduation ceremony, Deputy Dean of kmbs and Head of the School for Strategic Architects Gelena Savruk congratulated the graduates:

"Tonight is the day of your metamorphosis into the community of Strategic Architects — the national Atlases of our country. It is a community that is aware of its role, skillfully interacts with the most complex systems, and always strives for more. It is a community of leaders united by intelligence, spirituality, demanding of themselves and others, values ​​, and dreams. My dream is to build a powerful country."

We sincerely congratulate the Strategic Architects of our country on completing an essential stage in their lives and wish them inexhaustible energy to achieve the most ambitious goals!

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