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What distinguishes the best managers?
Meeting Point
What distinguishes the best managers?
Kmbs teacher Sergiy Nozdrachev shared with potential MBA program participants his thoughts on the effective way to develop a manager at the MBA Pre-Start Meetings event.

Studying for MBA programs from kmbs enables founders and business executives to develop their talents and abilities, because only a breakthrough personal and professional development of a manager leads to a qualitative leap in the development of the company. The MBA Pre-Start Meetings are designed for those who want to try themselves out as an MBA student, get acquainted with kmbs, get a feel for school from the inside, chat with faculty and alumni.
At the next MBA Pre-Start Meetings event, the founders and executives of the company, together with kmbs entrepreneur and trainer Sergiy Nozdrachov, sought the answer to the question: "What do the best managers do differently?"

According to the speaker, the most successful managers focus on the development of their strengths, they are in a state of "engagement" in the affairs of their company, focused on performance. As Sergei Nozdrachov said at the event, “the development of weaknesses is a failure insurance. Developing strengths is the way to true success. ” Therefore, while ignoring their weaknesses, managers should be aware that the maximum potential lies in developing their own talents.

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