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We invite you to the award ceremony of the Vasyl Stus Prize 2020
We invite you to the award ceremony of the Vasyl Stus Prize 2020
You can live video stream of the award ceremony on March 12 at 18:00 on the kmbs Facebook page.

We will find out the name of this year’s winner of the Vasyl Stus Prize on September 12!

The video stream of the award ceremony will start at 18:00 on Facebook pages  of kmbs«Espreso» TV Channel and PEN Ukraine‎.

This prize is awarded for a special contribution to the Ukrainian culture and for the firm civiс position.  Ukrainian writers, artists, directors, musicians and cultural managers are nominated for the Prize.

Appreciating the oeuvre of the prominent poet and dissident and promoting the development of the Ukrainian culture, Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, together with PEN Ukraine and Dukh i Litera Publishing House, has organized the Award since 2016, and kmbs Dean Mr. Oleksandr Savruk is a member of the jury every year.


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