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kmbs representatives joined the UN Global Compact Steering Committee
kmbs representatives joined the UN Global Compact Steering Committee
The UN Global Compact is an initiative that conveys Sustainable Development Goals and is a discussion platform for business, investors, civil society, labour organizations, local and state governments.

On February 26, the Steering Committee was elected at the General Assembly of the UN Global Compact. Its members became leaders of businesses and non-governmental organizations that are parties to the UN Global Compact and adhere to the Sustainable Development Goals in their activity. 

The members of the UN Global Compact Steering Committee became: kmbs dean Oleksandr Savruk and graduate of the School Vitaliy Vereshchagin (Caparol Ukraine), Volodymyr Kostiuk (Farmak), Maxym Tymchenko (DTEK), Yevhen Shevchenko (Carlsberg Ukraine), Sergiy Sozanovsky (FILM.UA Group), Zoia Lytvyn (Osvitoria), Iryna Ivanchyk (Believe in Yourself Foundation) and Zachary Taylor (UN Resident Coordinator's Office in Ukraine).

We congratulate the participants on this important step and believe that such systematic actions of the like-minded community will lead to positive changes in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine.

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