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kmbs-2021 Mentor Training Program was launched on February 16
kmbs-2021 Mentor Training Program was launched on February 16
This year, 30 business school graduates decided to become mentors for the current MBA program members.

On February 16, 30 graduates returned to their native business school environment :)

They started their 4-week training, during which they will develop competencies to settle into a new role – of mentors for kmbs MBA members.

During the first session of the Mentor Training Program, they discussed what it means to be a mentor, the purpose and structure of the Program, and studied the phenomenon of mentoring from different perspectives as well as the examples of its application in business, public sector and education. Following the meeting, the executives drew up an approximate route of their mentoring travel and interaction with mentees in relation to the master's project.

Then the participants of the Mentor Program will have regular meetings with key teachers of the business school – Oleksandr Savruk, Eduard Maltsev, Olena Maltseva, Yevhen Pentsak, and Olena Zhiltsova. Also, the development of competencies of future mentors will be supported by a representative of the Alumni kmbs community, the Executive MBA graduate, Oleksandr Zelenyuk, who is currently a coach for leaders and executives, a certified coach of the International Coaching Federation, ACC ICF.

It has been proven over time that participation in kmbs Mentor Program is a win-win opportunity for both the participants and graduates of the School. In fact, by joining the program, MBA members can increase their own ability to apply the acquired knowledge during the master's project development. And mentors-graduates – can strengthen leadership potential, get personal development, update existing knowledge and gain a new one, meet other entrepreneurs to share ideas and experience.

We congratulate our new mentors on a successful start!

The first meetings of mentors and mentees will take place soon, and then their joint training tour will begin.

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