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New Presidents’ and Executive MBA participants joined the kmbs community!
New Presidents’ and Executive MBA participants joined the kmbs community!
Their training started on October 29.

New Presidents’ and Executive MBA participants joined the kmbs community on October 29!


They include owners and heads of Ukrainian businesses and organizations who decided to start their own transformation under any given circumstances.


The first day was traditionally a get-to-know day. Heads of MBA programmes Eduard Maltsev and Olena Zhyltsova congratulated the participants with a new start and asked them to talk about themselves. The managers had 2 minutes to introduce their business or organization and to share their expectations about the MBA training. To demonstrate their different advantages, they also answered 1 random question about values, hobbies etc.


In his welcoming speech, the dean of kmbs, Oleksandr Savruk introduced the business school. At the beginning, Mr. Oleksandr underlined that the first two letters in the kmbs acronym were of primary importance. Graduates of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy influenced and are now influencing the current events in historical, musical, philosophical, military and other dimensions. The values of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy actually determine the business school phenomenon.


He stressed also that "Knowledge is a noun, not a verb. It can be compared with art or leadership.  Knowledge is a dynamic phenomenon, rather than a fixed and unchanging result. Knowledge cannot be kept in a bookshelf, it should be developed, challenged and experienced every day that goes by. This logic of a challenging, by all accounts, process of good quality is possessed by the kmbs students".


After the meeting with Mr. Oleksandr, the participants went to get acquainted with the academy and business school. 

They visited the work space and kmbs team - the departments representatives explained their activities and future interaction with the participants. 


Also they met with Tymur Demchuk, the Academy's graduate and manager of management development programmes, who used a quiz form to familiarize the participants with the history and phenomenon of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.


At the end of the day, there was a meeting with Dmytro Zemlianyi, a graduate of PMBA-19. Dmytro shared his training experience in kmbs and told about changes that happened after his completion of Presidents’ MBA.


We hope that this eventful day will be remembered by the new participants and give them thirst for knowledge. We congratulate them and wish this training start to mark changes in their personal and professional lives.


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