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Marketing communications during crisis
Marketing communications during crisis
Tips by kmbs lecturer Roman Havrysh.

On April 16, during a webinar, Roman Havrysh told about do's and don'ts in marketing communications during a crisis.

Here are some aspects worth considering:

✅ When trying to adapt during the crisiskeep in mind the consistency of communication messagesIf you are engaged in selling milk, focus on this rather than write “Stay at home”As the consumers may not just forget that you are such a good company, but they can also confuse your messages with another brand, which usually uses the same style of communication.

✅ Do not change your tone of voice during crisisIf you do soyour brand awareness may be reduced, and you may be confused with someone else.

✅ Marketing is the only thing that can maintain you during this periodso it is not recommended to cut your marketing expenses firstDecisive points may require product change, and it is the marketing that is responsible for being aware of the current market needs.

✅ It is also not recommended to reduce your presence in the public fieldas communications bring you customers, although it is not quite obviousThe key thing in communications during a crisis is not to “drop” as compared to competitors, so as not to lose your market share.

✅ Free content can never become paid one, but it may lead to the purchase of a fully-featured productTherefore, you should offer only small pieces as a trial for free. If you provide everyone with a fully-featured product for free, you will crash the market and the return journey to set the value will be very long.

✅ Remember that price dumping is harmful to businessPrice dumping only makes sense if the product is unsaleablethat is when stock management is involved, or if you feel that you have an unjustified price and you need to adjust it but not to offer discounts.

Watch the webinar video.

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