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Turbulence marketing
Meeting Point
Turbulence marketing
About what is the difference between a customer-centric and a product-centric business, Roman Gavrish, a kmbs instructor, told MBA executives at the MBA Pre-Start Meetings event.

The MBA Pre-Start Meetings are designed for those who want to try themselves out as an MBA student, learn about the philosophy and approaches of the school, feel the "Mohyla" atmosphere and get to know the faculty.
At the next MBA Pre-Start Meetings event, kmbs lecturer and managing partner of Aimbulance Digital Marketing Roman Gavrish told what basic marketing knowledge will help the founder effectively manage the company, what mistakes marketers make in pursuit of CRI, and what is the difference between customer and customer central business.

According to Roman Gavrish, in the new global economic environment, with increasing turbulence and competition, customer orientation should become the primary function of business. And since turbulent reality is accompanied by a constant shift in demand, companies need to become marketing-centric today.

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