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Patrons from the kmbs community supported the publication of the Chronicle of Samiilo Velychko
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Patrons from the kmbs community supported the publication of the Chronicle of Samiilo Velychko
The presentation of the Chronicle took place on October 14 in Baturyn, and the next day the patrons met with the initiator of the project Mrs. Tetyana Tairova-Yakovleva.

On October 14, on the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks, the full edition of the Chronicle of Samiilo Velychko was presented in Baturyn.


Yesterday, patrons from the kmbs community, who supported the publication, met with the initiator of the project, Russian researcher Mrs. Tatyana Tairova-Yakovleva.


Tatyana began researching the Chronicle in 2012, and the full revival of the document was made possible thanks to the long-term cooperation of Ukrainian and Russian scientists. During this meeting, the researcher thanked the patrons and stressed that the tradition of supporting cultural projects was very typical for Ukraine and she was pleased to see that it kept on living.


In turn,   Mr. Oleksandr Savruk, the dean of kmbs, thanked Tatiana for her fruitful work and the opportunity to get access to the unique heritage of Ukrainian history, which was stored in Russian archives.  He also noted: "Based on the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, when we talk about people, we often go to extremes, talking whether a person was good or bad. So the history becomes uninteresting, we can't figure out, what kind of people actually lived then? In you work, they all come to life: they fight, make mistakes, search, they are strong and weak, just the same as they were."

Now the Chronicle of Samiilo Velychko consists of more than 1000 pages stylized as old prints, and familiarizes us with previously lost fragments, illustrations, the only original portrait of Demian Ihnatovych and other Ukrainian figures.


In total, the benefactors raised about UAH 1,000,000 for the publication of this historical artifact.


As explained by Mr. Andriy Melnyk, a patron and graduate of kmbs, the managers learned about the unique project from the manager of the Clio publishing house Mrs. Vira Soloviova.  And they realized how important it is only after the meeting with Mr. Oleksandr Savruk and researcher Mrs. Tatyana Tairova-Yakovleva. After all, the future can be built only through interaction and clarification of values in such interaction.

Symbolically, at the meeting on October 15, on the Day of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, kmbs donated a copy of the Chronicle to the Alma Mater library fund, returning the work of its graduate, Samiilo Velychko, to its native walls.


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