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Ukrainian journalists Myroslava Barchuk, Borys Davydenko, and Marichka Paplauskaite are shortlisted for The Georgiy Gongadze Prize.
Ukrainian journalists Myroslava Barchuk, Borys Davydenko, and Marichka Paplauskaite are shortlisted for The Georgiy Gongadze Prize.
The Georgy Gongadze Prize is an award for outstanding Ukrainian journalists, established by the PEN Ukraine in partnership with Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, powered by the KMBS Alumni platform and Ukrayinska Pravda.

The Chapter of the Georgiy Gongadze Prize has defined a short list of nominees for the award. It included Myroslava Barchuk, Borys Davydenko, Marichka Paplauskaite.

Myroslava Barchuk (1968) is a journalist and TV presenter. In the profession since the mid-1990s. She worked for Channel 5, TVi, Espresso, and was the editor of Welcome to Ukraine magazine. She is currently the host of the Countdown program at Suspilne.

Borys Davydenko (1980) is a journalist, editor. He worked for the Ukrainian Forbes, was the editor-in-chief of the VoxUkraine analytical platform, and now heads the editorial board of Liga.net.

Marichka Paplauskaite (1988) is a journalist and editor. Co-founder of The Ukrainians, editor-in-chief of the online magazine Reporters; lecturer at the School of Journalism of the Ukrainian Catholic University, author of the report book God of Wonderful People and Other Sinners.

The long list of nominees for the Georgiy Gongadze Prize this year includes 18 Ukrainian journalists.

Under the terms of the Prize, only members of the Chapter have the right to nominate journalists for it.

This year's Chapter includes: Myroslava Gongadze, Georgiy Gongadze’s wife, journalist, editor-in-chief and head of the Ukrainian Voice of America; Andrii Kurkov, president of the Ukrainian PEN and writer; Olena Prytula, journalist, co-founder and owner of Ukrainska Pravda; Oleksandr Savruk, dean of Kyiv-Mohyla Business School; Maksym Diadyk, a patron of the Prize and a representative of the powered KMBS Alumni platform; Larysa Denysenko, a writer, human rights activist; Vakhtang Kipiani, founder of the Istorychna Pravda and the Press Archive Museum, the first Gongadze Prize laureate; Pavlo Kazarin, publicist, Gongadze Prize laureate; Inna Kuznetsova, head of the Kyiv bureau of Radio Svoboda.

The name of the winner will be announced during the ceremony on May 21. Georgiy Gongadze would turn 52 that day.

General media partner: Suspilne broadcasting of Ukraine.

The Georgiy Gongadze Prize was established in 2019 by the Ukrainian PEN in partnership with the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, powered by the KMBS Alumni platform and the Ukrainian Pravda publication. The winners of the Award were Vakhtang Kipiani (2019) and Pavlo Kazarin (2020).

Criteria for nomination of applicants:
– commitment to the principles and values ​​of independent journalism,
– professionalism and competence,
– innovation,
– a significant contribution to the development of a particular genre or generally media environment,
– creation of materials that have led to the solution or understanding of certain problems in society and changes in the country.

Only journalists working in Ukraine who have remained in the profession for the last 5 years can apply for the Award.
The amount of reward for the winner is 100 thousand UAH.

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