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On June 10, kmbs graduates and RODOVID publishing house presented the book "Tetyana Yablonska. Diaries, memories, reflections"
Alumni Grand Event
On June 10, kmbs graduates and RODOVID publishing house presented the book "Tetyana Yablonska. Diaries, memories, reflections"
The book of memoirs gives the opportunity to hear the history of life and appreciate the extraordinary literary talent of Tetyana Yablonska and also offers rich material for art critics.

"The strange, complex, and terrible twentieth century is a beautiful background on which we have better seen outstanding Ukrainian artists," said Olha Balashova at the presentation of the book: "Tetyana Yablonska. Diaries, memories, reflections".

Tetyana Yablonska is an artist-phenomenon. She was born into a family of Russian emigrants who moved to Ukraine, fleeing the revolutions of the early twentieth century. After learning the mastery of the unconquered Fedor Krychevsky, Tetyana became very fond of Ukraine and found her Ukrainian identity. Her works are lit up with life. Rejecting the socialist realism imposed by the Soviet system, the outstanding artist delved into the origins of the Ukrainian countryside and its culture, where she created her most exceptional works.

"Exploring Ukrainian culture, we explore ourselves and take exactly those important steps that unite us all. We have created something more than just a book, and we have started a new cultural field," says Andriy Melnyk, a kmbs graduate.

On June 10, PMBA-13, PMBA-14 graduates, and RODOVID publishing house presented their joint work: the book "Tetyana Yablonska. Diaries, memories, reflections".

To view the record of the event.

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