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kmbs has launched a Scholarship
kmbs has launched a Scholarship
The Program offers scholarship opportunities for the chief executives who contribute to addressing the pressing social issues and strive to receive a proper managerial education.

High-quality managerial education is a foundation for efficient business solutions and a premise of positive change in various fields. And as for the organizations which foster the resolution of pressing social issues, the vision and capacities of entrepreneurs directly influence the development and prosperity of the Ukrainian society.

kmbs keeps developing a society of powerful executives, and it is for the third time that it launches a scholarship for entrepreneurs, who contribute to addressing the important social issues within the fields of healthcare, culture, education, ecology, human rights and other significant areas.

This time the format is renewed and expanded in order to allow even more executives of social, charity, public and relating thereto organizations to receive a proper education:

  • kmbs Scholarship — to enrol on the business school MBA programs

It is an opportunity for the C-level founders and entrepreneurs who work in the above-mentioned fields and have over 3 years of executive experience.

Scholarship covers 75 % of the overall program tuition fees.

If you match all the criteria and are aimed at high-quality personal and professional transformation, we are sincerely looking forward to getting to know you and your organization.

Scholarship application deadline — March 29, and the earliest Presidents' MBA and Executive MBA programs start is on April 22.

Learn more and apply

  • kmbs Scholarship — to enrol on the Executive Development programs

The criteria for receiving the scholarship is as well the activity within the following fields: culture, journalism, ecology, education etc. And also the conformity between the participant’s expectations and the program’s content. For sure, the utmost condition is the participant’s motivation, scale and ambitiousness of his decisions and projects.

Scholarship covers 75 % of the overall Executive Development programs tuition fees


Learn more and apply

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