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New opportunities and exchange of experience: Memorandum of Cooperation with ISC Paris Business School
New opportunities and exchange of experience: Memorandum of Cooperation with ISC Paris Business School

On July 22, kmbs signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ISC Paris Business School.

This business school is a part of the ISC Grande Ecole Paris, accredited by the French Ministry of Education and the MBA Association.

This collaboration opens new opportunities for the kmbs community, as it involves exchanges between the two institutions for participants and teachers, creation of joint learning products and scientific research.

Thus, the first step was to agree on a quota for participation in certain modules of the Executive MBA ISC Paris Business School program. So, Executive MBA participants at kmbs will be able to gain a unique learning experience and chat with colleagues from all around the world.

kmbs continues to establish partnerships with international institutions systematically. After all, immersion in the global context and intercultural interaction help managers to look at familiar things from a different angle and get acquainted with modern management practices.

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