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Ivan Miklos: "Reforms Need Vision, Will, and Courage"
Meeting Point
Ivan Miklos: "Reforms Need Vision, Will, and Courage"
Members of the kmbs MBA program met with the architect of the Slovak "economic miracle" Ivan Miklos and talked with him about what it takes to make changes in large systems.

At Meeting Point, the founders and executives of companies studying at kmbs have the opportunity to interact with prominent personalities of today. The guest of the next meeting was Ivan Miklos, Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic (in 2002-2006 and 2010-2012), architect of the Slovak "Economic Miracle". Mr. Miklos is also chairman of the Strategic Advisory Group on Reform Support in Ukraine (SAGSUR).

The meeting was moderated by kmbs dean Alexander Savruk. The MBA program participants asked the speaker many questions that bother managers in a turbulent environment. And Ivan Miklos shared his vision of transformation of big systems and expertise on the progress of reforms in Ukraine. Here are some of his thoughts:

  • Ukraine has the most underestimated development potential among the countries of Eastern Europe.
  • Transitional Recession is a normal occurrence.
  • People do not want reforms, they are afraid of the new - and this is also a normal phenomenon.
  • Impact groups that earn on the old system of relations are resisting changes in the economy.
  • Vision, Will and Courage (Vision, Will, Courage) are required for reform.
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