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"kmbs membership in the global EMBAC network is an opportunity to discuss best practices in executive education with representatives of top international business schools"
"kmbs membership in the global EMBAC network is an opportunity to discuss best practices in executive education with representatives of top international business schools"
Andriy Nakonechnyy, Head of International Development at kmbs, told more about the Executive MBA Council and interaction within this global network.

For more than 4 years, kmbs has been part of the global network of top international business schools Executive MBA Council (EMBAC), which provides an opportunity to influence the development of management education at the international level, be in a common field and share experiences with representatives of top educational institutions.

Andriy Nakonechnyy, Head of International Development, told more about EMBAC and kmbs membership in this global network:

  • What is the Executive MBA Council (EMBAC)?

The Executive MBA Council (EMBAC) is a professional association of more than 200 business schools and universities worldwide that provide executive education. The organization was founded in 1981 with headquarters in California, USA.

EMBAC's mission is to promote executive education, providing the platform for exchanging best practices among top international business schools. It is also important to note that EMBAC is closely associated with almost all key associations and professional organizations in executive education — the American AACSB was directly involved in the creation of EMBAC, and EFMD, AMBA, and CEEMAN are strategic partners of the community.

  • When and how did kmbs join EMBAC?

Becoming a part of EMBAC is quite difficult — it is a kind of "closed club" for the best business schools, where special attention is paid to the quality of the educational environment because the environment is crucial to the community itself. Therefore, an important condition for admission is the presence of at least two recommendations from current EMBAC members, and only after receiving these recommendations does the long journey of admitting a candidate school to the community begin. Kyiv-Mohyla Business School has successfully passed all stages of the selection process and has been a community member since June 2017.

  • What are the benefits of EMBAC membership, and what is unique about this organization?

The Executive MBA Council is primarily a platform for sharing experiences and discussing key challenges in executive education among participating schools. As the community includes all the top international business schools, the EMBAC members determine the vector of development of the whole sphere. And thanks to a wide network of partnerships, EMBAC conducts several general and specialized surveys in the field of executive education each year, the results of which are available exclusively to network members.

The qualitative difference between EMBAC and similar organizations is the openness of participants, the informality of communication, and no barriers in exchanging the information, even very sensitive. It is a unique opportunity to discuss any professional issues with the leaders of INSEAD, IMD, or Oxford's Saïd Business School openly — both offline during conferences and various meetings and virtually — through an online platform. And what is extremely important is the opportunity not only to listen but also to share your own experience. It is great to realize that the kmbs expertise is valuable to the world's top schools.

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