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HyFlex as a new norm
HyFlex as a new norm
HyFlex as a new norm
Olena Zhyltsova at the online conference "Anatomy of Change: What's Next? PRO team "talked about HyFlex as a new norm.

Ways of working with the team are actively transformed by the challenges of the time: rigid models make positions more flexible and adaptable. An effective manager must be able to manage teams in the conditions of the new normality, as the head of the Executive MBA kmbs program Olena Zhyltsova emphasized at the online conference "Anatomy of Change: What's Next? PRO team".

“I was happy to talk to the audience about HyFlex as a new norm. This new term is formed by compiling the bases of hybrid and flexible. Diverse and plastic organizational space, development, design… For many managers, this still raises questions and even slight resistance. According to research, there are also categories of workers who require a return to the usual models — for example, according to research, this is what mothers of preschoolers want. But to seem to deny HyFlex is like not believing in 2022, ” — says Olena Zhyltsova.

Shortly, companies will be dealing with the four most common hybrid practices for their organizational contexts:

1. Hybrid mode of operation - the ability to work remotely and in the office. Already, 86% of surveyed employees are ready to work on a hybrid schedule.

2. Hybridity in training — training employees using online tools and office onboarding.

3. Hybrid profession, when we have a diffuse system of competencies, where each employee has no clear boundaries of responsibilities.

4. A hybrid team, where each participant's career is a series of experiences, and therefore, each employee has their own motivations and goals. Such a team can consist of freelancers, full-time employees, and gig employees.

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